what are billable hours

By making an effort for billable hours tracking, you can get the what are billables real picture of just how much time your team invests into projects. In short, non-billable hours make the time companies don’t have to compensate. Everything done during that time is not exactly related to the client or done on their behalf. Instead, it usually covers the things team members do for your company, other internal projects, or just when going about their day.


It’s worth regularly reviewing the list of activities and making the necessary changes. By batching similar tasks, your team doesn’t have gross vs net to switch context often. This is a great productivity hack that keeps everyone focused on similar tasks so they can finish more quickly. Depending on your client agreement, breaks are usually non-billable.

  • This report shows your team’s tracked billable and non-billable time over the past 30 days by default.
  • The charges depend on the prior agreement between the company and the client.
  • This helps companies track billable hours as effectively and accurately as possible without losing time spent on time tracking.
  • It offers a time tracking feature which helps you to track the billing hours of a project.
  • We used to have a project management tool, a time tracking tool, a support tool, a way we handled opportunities and sales-driven processes.

Track billable hours in real time

  • A great way to automate this process is by using agency management or accounting tools that provide automated invoice payment reminders, such as Productive.
  • Deciding for billable hours becomes difficult for some businesses in certain situations.
  • After that, consider your teams’ availability and subtract the time spent on non-client work from this.
  • We ended up terminating contracts with two of our oldest clients after only a few months of using Productive.
  • The ultimate goal of billable work is about increasing profitability, and this is where you can get lost overfocusing on the financial gain and deprioritizing activities that aren’t “billable”.

In addition, Toggl Track connects with popular calendar applications and shows meetings and other events on the Timeline view. This feature makes it easy to add time entries related to specific events. Productive also offers integrations with popular invoicing and project budgeting tools such as Xero and Quickbooks, so you don’t have to drop all your established workflows and preferred tools. Simply build your invoice in Productive, and then copy it into your preferred solution.

Optimizes Billable Utilization Levels of Resources

what are billable hours

It’s only by reviewing your progress over time that you can discover issues causing time and resource wastage. When you review your and your team’s work weekly or monthly, you can pinpoint factors that need improving. The best approach to determine your rate is to set a target annual salary that you’d like to earn. Then, divide that number by the average work hours in a year, which is approximately 2,087 hours (assuming it’s a full-time job). In the course of doing business, some of your work will undoubtedly be non-billable.

  • This optimization maximizes billable resource utilization and enhances revenue margins.
  • They’re not directly chargeable to any specific client, but they’re nonetheless essential to your internal operations.
  • Without proper tools, it’s also difficult to factor in project expenses when invoicing clients.
  • You’ll know exactly how many hours each employee spends on a project and will be able to determine if they could be working faster or more efficiently.
  • When you track every minute you spend on a project, you may be surprised to learn just how many tasks constitute your billable hours.
  • Preferably, you can use also accounting tools or all-in-one solutions such as Productive to generate your invoice automatically.
  • But knowing how to keep track of billable and non-billable activities can be a constant challenge when you’re a small business or starting out as a contractor or freelancer taking on new clients.
  • To illustrate, a due diligence exercise that once took 2000 hours to do manually, could now take 100 hours through AI and lawyer supervision.
  • Billing by the hour is standard practice in many industries, including law firms, accounting practices, advertising, and consulting agencies.
  • For example, if you have a similar schedule 2 weeks in a row, you can duplicate your weekly time entries for faster organization.
  • Non-billable work includes various internal tasks, such as administrative work, prospecting, and agency-related meetings.
  • Having tracked billable hours once, you will have the needed information to figure out how much time your team needs to deliver certain tasks and projects.
  • As part of the firm’s standard billing practices, these hours are logged, detailing the exact tasks and time spent on each.

It doesn’t take much to convince most people to track their billable hours — clients are unlikely to pay them if they don’t keep an accurate account of their work. But more people are on the fence about logging their non-billable activities. But trying to distinguish between billable vs. non-billable hours isn’t always easy. This guide will set the record straight and provide actionable insights for better work time tracking and management. Five minutes for an email here, half an hour for an unplanned call there — this is how billable hours go unnoticed if you don’t track them.

what are billable hours

what are billable hours

Fortunately, my friends at Tri-Merit Specialty Tax Services conduct an annual CPA Career Satisfaction Survey to address some of these legacy issues. The data tells us not only are clients more satisfied with a firm’s work when they’re billed based on outcome rather than hours, but so are the staff members who do the work. I got so frustrated by my firm’s mindset that I eventually left accounting for https://www.bookstime.com/ a tech company where things moved at lightning speed. By using this formula, you’ll ensure that your hours are accurately calculated and automatically updated if you change your start or end times.