short goodbye letter to alcohol

I get to decide how I spend my time and with whom I spend it with. I will no longer allow you to rob me of who I truly am or create unnecessary chaos in my life. I know I’m better off not associating with you whatsoever going forward and I’m thankful I finally gained the courage to stand up to you and say NO. Tell the story of how alcohol has affected different facets of your life.

How to Quickly Cleanse Your System and Get Meth Out of Your System

  • We definitely had some crazy nights, which were a ton of fun.
  • He shares the lies, pain, and broken promises he can no longer endure at alcohol’s hands.
  • You can begin to discover the hope and promise of successful, long-term recovery.
  • Thank you for the good memories and I’ll try to forget the bad.
  • The beach may have lost its luster too.

You couldn’t handle even a few special days off so others could shine. You’re very selfish and only concerned with your own well-being. When I tried to work out and get healthier, you were always waiting for me after the gym, prodding me to spend a little time with you.

Martin Luther King Jr.: More than a Day Off

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  • You have strained my relationships, especially with my husband (or wife), parents, and children.
  • Her name is Recovery and she makes me feel good about myself…as a Person, a Father, a Spouse, and a Friend.
  • Lucky for me I finally wised up to all the lies you told me for so many years.

I no longer feel weighed down by you and have since found clarity and purpose. I mastered your ways, the spell you cast on others and how you grip down on people with your deceitful tricks. Because of this mastery, I’m now able to help others break loose from your chains too. I sleep a whole lot more and value my downtime. Even in the silence, I’m comfortable without you.

short goodbye letter to alcohol

Benefits of Writing a Goodbye Letter to an Addiction

short goodbye letter to alcohol

So please, don’t make this so damn hard. Let’s move on from this toxic relationship. I operate from a clear conscious and a full heart nowadays since I left you behind. It’s nice knowing you no longer have a say in my thoughts, my actions or my life, for that matter, and that I’m driving this bus now.

short goodbye letter to alcohol

short goodbye letter to alcohol

Over 200 miles of you and me on the road together. We seemed to have a lot of those kinda moments, especially towards the end. I’m gonna really miss our steak dinners together.

  • To be honest, when it’s all said and done, I’m probably the one at fault here.
  • Dear alcohol,Your callous, selfish natures leads me to believe that the time spent writing this letter will be wasted upon you.
  • I’m as much to blame as you, and I’ve finally decided that we can’t go on like this any longer.
  • You didn’t force yourself on me…I was just as willing to begin our long friendship as you.

But, then instead of giving, you started taking and taking. I am now determined to live out the rest of my life without you. I wish to live whatever life brings, with renewed hope, happiness, balance, excitement, and intrigue. I wish to accomplish the things I should have done half drug addiction treatment a life ago. I know the future can and will be exciting, but also a challenge, a challenge I will embrace and will face head-on. I have hope in my heart, and hope is a wonderful thing.

Yep, you ignited that on way too many goodbye letter to alcohol occasions. My wife and friends tell me about how intense I got, and the horrible things I said. It’s a disgusting feeling knowing I did those things and not being able to remember. Yep, these are some of those not-good moments we had together. I’m ready to take control of my life and embrace sobriety. I hope you understand when you hear this, but I really don’t care if you do.